
Lichtbelevingswandeling Brugge 2024 – Vuur & Ijs

Voor een of andere gekke reden beslist Brugge dat je hun route moet wandelen via hun app. Ik heb die route even in google na gemaakt want dat wandelt iets gemakkelijker


Het originele plan kan je hier vinden

Meer info over de lichtbelevingswandeling vind je hierzo.

Posted by Bram

Harvest export invoices.

If you use Harvest and need to export your invoices every time you need to file your taxes, you know the time it takes to select only the invoices you need.

To speed things up a little i looked at some cli scripts to help me.

First you need to install xquartx and pdfgrep. I install these packages with brew.

If these packages are installed go to the folder where all your invoices al stored.

  1. Move all invoices made from 01-03 into the folder 2015-Q1, make sure you created the folder first.
  2.  mkdir 2015-Q1

    for i in `pdfgrep -H  "Factuurdatum[ ]*[0-9]{2}/(01|02|03)/2015" *.pdf  | cut -d: -f1`; do mv $i 2015-Q1/; done

  3. Now we will change the default harvest name into $invoice-number.pdf
  4.  IFS=":"

    pdfgrep -H "Factuurnummer" *.pdf | sed -E "s/Factuurnummer[ ]{0,}//g" | while read pdf id ; do mv $pdf $id.pdf; done

  5.  Merge all pdfs’s
  6.  pdfunite 2015-*.pdf Q1.pdf

Posted by Bram

Retrieving your private SSL key with IIS 7

Open the MMC window ( start -> run -> mmc) and go to file -> add/remove snap-in, choose certificates from this list. Click on Add and choose Computer account in the list.

Click Next and select Local computer, and click Finish and then Ok.

Go to Certificates (local computer) -> personal -> certificates.

On the existing SSL certificate, right mouse click -> all tasks -> export. Enable Export the private key and follow the next steps. (to check, is dit niet voor import?)

So now we have an encrypted pfx file, to retrieve our private SSL key use these commands.

openssl pkcs12 -in publicAndprivate.pfx -nocerts -out privateKey.pem

This outputs the private key, but this still has a password.

openssl rsa -in privateKey.pem -out private.pem

Now we have our private key in a clear text file.

Posted by Bram

Renewed your SSL certificate and importing it into IIS 7

Copy your certificate you receive and save it on your windows machine.

Now open the MMC window ( start -> run -> mmc) and go to file -> add/remove snap-in, choose certificates from this list. Click on Add and choose Computer account in the list.

Click Next and select Local computer, and click Finish and then Ok.

Go to Certificates (local computer) -> personal -> certificates.

In the certificates box, right mouse click -> all tasks -> import.

Choose your certificate file and finish the import process.

Now you’ll see that the certificate misses its private key.

Double click on your certificate, go to the details tab and choose thumbprint.

Copy this and open a command prompt:

certutils –repairstory my “thumbprint” (of iets gelijk dat)

When you refresh your certificates you should see that the key has an extra symbol attached, and your certificate should be valid again.

Posted by Bram